Monday 4 March 2013

Style, character sheet and storyboard

For the style of my animation I'm thinking of using a similar style to that of the game Limbo ( Limbo). I think the dark atmosphere this, or a similar style would really contrast the innocence and of the main character as well as give a better illusion the the way the monster is portrayed. Showing it as more evil as opposed to protective and in some ways perhaps good.

Character sheet

I wanted to retain a childish element in the character, so I left the pot on his head. This makes him seem like a young boy wanting to be an adventurer. 

I added some colour to the characters in the storyboard, to try and add an element of assumption on the viewers part. The viewer would associate the blue of the character with an sense of innocence. The green gives the monster an initial impression of disgust with the green, but is later revealed and is shown as more nurturing which can also be associated with green.

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